With such a clear focus on accountable lead generation, you might perceive that our approach is short-sighted and reactionary. However, it is because we are so focused on leads that our method is in fact entirely strategic and foresighted.
Spanning every aspect and platform of digital marketing, our work will optimise lead results for today and effectively sow the enquiries of tomorrow. Each of our services is framed by LEADOLOGY™ which essentially means that it must contribute directly to lead generation as well as supporting other functions in their own endeavours.
Which services do you require? Well, that just depends upon what you want your sales figure to be.

Our strategy with PPC is to ensure that you remain in control of your own digital destiny. Google is continuing to offer up the automation of more and more of its PPC campaign management. Although embracing such automation is easier and less work for PPC specialists, accepting this gift comes at the price of reduced control and ultimately, lower lead volumes. Our Google Certified PPC experts instead work hard to retain complete command of your budgets and what you spend your money on. It takes more effort and time but is essential if leads are to be maximised.
Every site we build, every page we create, every email we design, every ad we craft has a goal. Whether it be to generate an enquiry, prompt someone to pick up a phone or visit a showroom. It is essential that everything we do is optimised using constant testing. There is no point paying for a constant stream of traffic unless we know we are going to make the most out of that traffic.
This is all done within Google’s guidelines ensuring everything we do allows us to maximise the potential gains from the organic search results.

Email marketing
DigitalKOG’s email marketing service is tactically driven to work both as an immediate lead stimulus and also a chauffeur to move more pendant prospects along the enquiry chain. We will also tightly control the audience, so that it only engages targets who will realistically buy and optimise the frequency and timing of distribution to maximise impact. It would be remiss not to give conference to data relating to opens and clicks as these help us to understand behaviour, however we are truly interested maximising the subsequent impact upon lead generation.

Website development
The DigitalKOG leadership team were part of the digital revolution, crafting and optimising websites to become integral elements in the process of lead generation, long before they became essential components of every marketing mix. Each lesson from that unique experience is implanted into our website development process and every decision taken – no matter how small or seemingly insignificant – is framed from extensive knowledge of how websites should be designed in order to optimise leads from every feasible aspect.
Content marketing
It is a given that any online content to which you put your name must be accessible to the audience and placed in a location where it will make the most impact. But ultimately, content marketing is about supporting the process of lead generation. Well written, or well-shot, relevant content is the starting point rather than the endgame. Our Content planning directly considers how to firstly capture the attention of desired prospects and secondly, how to strategically move them along the enquiry chain so that they result directly in a lead. At DigitalKOG, we believe that there is little value in counting articles or counting video views, rather more in counting enquiries that result from them.

Creativity always comes with a purpose at DigitalKOG. Like all agencies, we believe fundamentally in the great value of creative design – but only where it supports lead generation. Beauty and cleverness mean nothing to us unless they have function. Here every picture, every pantone, every pixel has to be justified against its ability to manipulate users into actioning an enquiry; accountable aesthetics.
Lead confirmation
LEADOLOGY™ ends when a lead is turned into an appointment, not when it is delivered to an Inbox. And how a lead is managed once it arrives to you is the final determinant of quality. Too often, leads are managed by administrators, an approach which can have a levelling effect upon lead quality. Our LEADOLOGY™ Centre is staffed 7 days a week with expert appointment generators who will ensure that the potential of every lead opportunity is truly realised and no chance to sell is wasted.

As LEADOLOGY™ is ultimately about being accountable for the budgets you spend; transparent reporting is an essential foundation of our service. Every client of DigitalKOG receives a monthly report which clearly and simply provides them with everything they need to know about the results of their investment.
But our reports are not just for you. They are for us too as they help us to continually assess every element which impacts upon lead generation and make informed strategic decisions with you to ensure your objectives are met and your opportunities maximised.
Lead Generation
The concept of lead generation suggests a focus on short-term, tactical activities that deliver immediate results. Whilst such endeavours are clearly hugely important in driving revenue and profit today, our experience tells us that lead-generation activities are always more effective when supported by a well-defined strategy and strong brand equity. LEADOLOGY therefore challenges the idea that ongoing success in lead generation is purely about momentary tactics alone.
Our Strategy Department helps clients in their pursuit to understand their customers, their competition, their market and their own place within it. DigitalKOG’s Strategy Team are people vastly experienced in Market Research, Market Segmentation, Customer Profiling, Brand Positioning and Marketing Strategy. Where clients feel there are gaps in their knowledge regarding these concepts, practices and metrics, we are here to help.