What are Topic Clusters in SEO?

Imagine you’re hosting a party, but instead of guests, you’ve got content. Topic clusters are your way of making sure every piece of content knows its place and plays nice. You’ve got a main topic – your pillar content – that’s like the life of the party. Surrounding it are the cluster contents, your subtopics, mingling and chatting up the main topic. This setup screams to search engines, “Hey, we know our stuff!”

Components of Topic Clusters

Pillar Content: This is your main act, the headliner. Think “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing” – it covers everything.

Cluster Content: These are your opening acts. They dive into specific areas like “Social Media Marketing,” “Email Campaigns,” and “SEO Basics.” They support and enhance the main topic.

Can Product Pages Be Topic Clusters?

Absolutely! It’s like organising your groceries – you wouldn’t put milk with the veggies, right? In our digital supermarket:

Pillar: The “Windows” section.

Cluster: “UPVC Windows”, “Aluminium Windows.”

Internal Linking: The Party Invitations

You need your guests (content) to talk to each other. Internal linking does just that, creating connections that help search engines understand your party’s (website’s) layout.

This is custom heading element

  1. Identify a Core Topic: Choose a main topic that’s broad yet relevant. It’s like picking a theme for your party.
  2. Select Subtopics: These are the conversations at the party. Use tools like Google Trends to find out what people are buzzing about.
  3. Develop Content: Make sure your main topic is detailed and evergreen, while your subtopics go in-depth on specifics. Consistency is key.

Benefits of Topic Clusters

Enhanced Content Organisation: Your party is well-organised; guests find what they need without leaving early.

Improved User Experience: Guests enjoy the party and stay longer, reducing bounce rates.

Higher Search Engine Rankings: Your party becomes the talk of the town (or Google), improving your visibility.

Pros of Topic Clusters

Improved SEO Performance: You get better rankings because your content covers topics comprehensively.

Better Content Planning: It’s easier to plan your party (content) when you know who’s coming and what they’re bringing.

Easier Updates: Keeping your content fresh is a breeze.

Cons of Topic Clusters

Time-Consuming Setup: Planning the perfect party takes time. You need to research, organise, and create content.

Consistent Effort Needed: You can’t just set it and forget it. Regular updates are necessary to keep your content relevant.


Think of topic clusters as your party-planning blueprint for SEO success. With strategic planning and execution, your website will become the go-to place for comprehensive and authoritative information. So, get your content organised, start sending out those party invitations (internal links), and watch your SEO rankings soar!

Author Artem Zubenko

More posts by Artem Zubenko

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